Tag Archives: twitter

Custom Twitter Client vs Spring Boot Twitter Plugin

To use twitter data in my saas application, I was going to write my own custom Twitter client by doing a rest call. However, I found out Spring Boot offers a Twitter plugin that can be used to fetch Twitter data. Neat.

In this post, I will show some comparison of these two approaches and why one can choose over another:

Custom Twitter Client

So custom twitter client will be a standalone client which will build an HTTP entity with client secrets that are needed to authenticate with Twitter API. In this client, we will use restOperations to call API endpoint passing HTTP entity and the REST call will respond with Twitter Data Model.

This will look like below:

public TwitterDataModel getTwitterData(long accountId)
    String url = buildRestUrl(accountId);
    ParameterizedTypeReference<HashMap<Long, TwitterDataModel>> responseType = new ParameterizedTypeReference<HashMap<Long, TwitterDataModel>>(){};
    HttpEntity entity = buildHttpEntity(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
    Map<Long, TwitterDataModel> twitterDataModelMap = restOperations.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, entity, responseType).getBody();

    Long keyForData = new Long(accountId);
    TwitterDataModel twitterDataModel = twitterDataModelMap.get(keyForData);

    return twitterDataModel;

public String buildRestUrl(long accountId)

There is nothing much wrong with this approach, except the fact that we will have to write an extra TwitterDataModel business object. Also, this business model should be created before we do the actual REST call.

Spring Boot Twitter Plugin

To use this plugin, first, we need to add the plugin in Gradle or maven like below:


Once we have this plugin, we can add an object of type Twitter in our code to call REST APIs.

This will look like below:

private final Twitter twitter;

public TwitterDataModel getTwitterData(long accountId)
        String url = buildRestUrl(accountId);
        ParameterizedTypeReference<HashMap<Long, TwitterDataModel>> responseType = new ParameterizedTypeReference<HashMap<Long, TwitterDataModel>>(){};
        HttpEntity entity = buildHttpEntity(CLIENT_ID,CLIENT_SECRET);

        Map<Long, TwitterDataModel> twitterDataModelMap = twitter.restOperations().exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, entity, responseType).getBody();

        Long keyForData = new Long(accountId);
        TwitterDataModel twitterDataModel = twitterDataModelMap.get(keyForData);

        return twitterDataModel;

    public String buildRestUrl(long accountId)
        return TWITTER_REST_ENDPOINT + accountId + TWITTER_REST_API;

The major advantage of this plugin is that we can get the data in Twitter Data Model that twitter offers. An then we can go on to use to handle our data.


In this post, I showed how we can use a Spring Boot Twitter social plugin to gather Twitter data.

Database and design discussion – Part III

To continue the development of a spring-based web application, this post will discuss using of Twitter API in saas application. If you want to understand, what we are building, you can read the first two posts of this series where we discussed the design of the application we are building:

  1. Database design and discussion – Part I
  2. Database design and discussion – Part II

In the previous post, we discussed the Instagram API that we will be using. With recent events around Facebook, I have decided not to use Facebook API for application development. We will still use Instagram and Twitter API.

Using Twitter API in SAAS Application

Firstly, Twitter offers different APIs for developers to build applications. We will be using Engagement API. You can find more details Twitter API.

Our goal is to use this Twitter API to collect engagement metrics in the Saas application.

Secondly, Engagement API offers us details about account engagement metrics which can help us to design marketing strategy. Sample response of this API looks like the below:

  "Tweet metrics": {
    "902301386880286721": {
      "engagements": "433",
      "favorites": "21",
      "impressions": "72218"
    "902731270274166784": {
      "engagements": "61",
      "favorites": "27",
      "impressions": "7827"
    "907022936564838401": {
      "engagements": "187",
      "favorites": "37",
      "impressions": "1916"

Therefore this API provides metrics for tweets, which tweet generated more traffic. The key decision that can be devised based on these metrics is what kind of tweet, moment or incident generates the traffic.

What fields we will use in our database?

In conclusion, we will be using the following fields in our database table TwitterData

  • tweet id
  • engagements
  • impressions
  • tweet

Twitter is a viable medium. This data will provide small businesses with a key metric about what tweets have worked with their followers and how they can leverage that pattern. Once the small businesses sort out these patterns, they will be able to create a number of tweets to engage with customers. Eventually, the goal here is to help small businesses to attract customers, and repeat customers.


  1. Twitter API documentation – Twitter API