Tag Archives: blockchain

Build a blockchain using Spring boot

So I have talked about blockchain previously here. I will not be indulging in details about what is blockchain. But I will show how to build blockchain using Spring boot.

What will you need

  • IntelliJ
  • Java 8
  • Spring boot
  • Gradle

What is blockchain?

In short, blockchain is chain of records which are called blocks, containing any kind of data or transactions in these records. They are chained together using hashes.

Build a blockchain

We will need two model classes: one each for block and for transaction. We will also need a spring rest controller to provide 3 APIs for mining, transaction, and chaining. The heart of this blockchain will be a utility class to provide us Proof of work. If you don’t know what is Proof of work, then you can revisit the article I have linked in this post where I explained the algorithm used in building a blockchain, is called as Proof of work.

Model Classes

Each block will contain an index, timestamp, transactions, proof, and a hash for previous block. This model class will look like below:

package com.betterjavacode.blockchain.model;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.google.common.hash.Hashing;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.List;

public class Block

    public Block()

    private Long index;

    private Long timestamp;

    private List<Transaction> transactionList;

    private Long proof;

    private String previousBlockHash;

    public static final Long GENESIS_BLOCK_PROOF = 100L;
    public static final String GENESIS_BLOCK_PREV_HASH = "1";

    public Long getIndex()
        return index;

    public String getPreviousBlockHash()
        return previousBlockHash;

    public Long getProof()
        return proof;

    public List<Transaction> getTransactionList()
        return transactionList;

    public Block(Builder builder)
        this.index = builder.index;
        this.timestamp = builder.timestamp;
        this.transactionList = builder.transactionList;
        this.proof = builder.proof;
        this.previousBlockHash = builder.previousBlockHash;

    public static class Builder
        private Long index;
        private Long timestamp;
        private List<Transaction> transactionList;
        private Long proof;
        private String previousBlockHash;

        public Builder setIndex(Long index)
            this.index = index;
            return this;

        public Builder setTimestamp(Long timestamp)
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
            return this;

        public Builder setTransactionList(List<Transaction> transactionList)
            this.transactionList = transactionList;
            return this;

        public Builder setProof(Long proof)
            this.proof = proof;
            return this;

        public Builder setPreviousBlockHash(String previousBlockHash)
            this.previousBlockHash = previousBlockHash;
            return this;

        public Block build()
            return new Block(this);

    public String hash(ObjectMapper mapper) throws JsonProcessingException
        String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(this);
        return Hashing.sha256().hashString(json, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString();

It will look like below when we have some transaction

  "message": "New Block Added",
  "index": 2,
  "transactionList": [
      "sender": "0",
      "recipient": "ef55403a23af46268fb5dfcee91329ae",
      "amount": 1
  "proof": 33575,
  "previousHash": "58c63eba6e93523867369a865ee363a0c89a2b76a62c677e8acd27536415daf4"

Rest Controller

We will write a rest controller to retrieve the chain, mine or add a transaction. A REST controller for transactions will do a POST request to add a transaction to chain. Our REST controller will look like below:

package com.betterjavacode.blockchain.controller;

import com.betterjavacode.blockchain.model.Block;
import com.betterjavacode.blockchain.model.Transaction;
import com.betterjavacode.blockchain.response.ChainResponse;
import com.betterjavacode.blockchain.response.MineResponse;
import com.betterjavacode.blockchain.response.TransactionResponse;
import com.betterjavacode.blockchain.service.Blockchain;
import com.betterjavacode.blockchain.util.BlockProofOfWorkGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

import javax.validation.Valid;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.UUID;

public class BlockchainController
    private Blockchain blockchain;

    private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    public static final String NODE_ID = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-","");
    public static final String NODE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS = "0";
    public static final BigDecimal MINING_CASH_REWARDS = BigDecimal.ONE;

    public MineResponse mine() throws JsonProcessingException
        // Calculate Proof of work
        Block lastBlock = blockchain.lastBlock();

        Long lastProof = lastBlock.getProof();

        Long proof = BlockProofOfWorkGenerator.proofOfWork(lastProof);

        // Reward the miner by adding a transaction

        blockchain.addTransaction(NODE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS, NODE_ID, MINING_CASH_REWARDS);

        // Add the new block to the chain
        Block newBlock = blockchain.createBlock(proof, lastBlock.hash(objectMapper));

        return new MineResponse.Builder().message("New Block Added").index(newBlock.getIndex()).transactions(newBlock.getTransactionList())

    public ChainResponse fullChain()
        return new ChainResponse.Builder().chain(blockchain.getChain()).length(blockchain.getChain().size()).build();

    public TransactionResponse newTransaction(@RequestBody @Valid Transaction transaction)
        Long index = blockchain.addTransaction(transaction.getSender(), transaction.getRecipient(), transaction.getAmount());

        return new TransactionResponse.Builder().index(index).build();

Transaction POST call basically adds the transaction to the list and returns the index of the block to which the transaction will be added to.

Proof of work

We will discuss how we have implemented the proof of work here. This will be the heart of entire blockchain that we have built.

When new blocks are mined on the blockchain, a proof of work algorithm is used to verify if the block is justifiable. Simple idea of Proof of Work is to find a number which solves a problem. This number must be difficult to find, but easy to verify by network.

Example – Hash of an integer multiplied by another integer must end in a particular number. In our implementation for this algorithm, we verify the proof is valid as below:

public static boolean validProof(Long lastProof, Long proof)
     String s = "" + lastProof + "" + proof;

     String sha256 = Hashing.sha256().hashString(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString();

     return sha256.endsWith(PROOF_OF_WORK);

This is the algorithm that miners try to solve fastest and whoever solves it first and compact manner gets rewarded with a coin as part of the transaction.

Swagger API

So now once we build our implementation and run the Spring Boot Application, I can access it through Swagger APIs. These APIs are as below:

  1. /transactions – Creates a new transaction in the block
  2. /mine – mines the new block
  3. /chain – returns the full blockchain


In this post, we showed how to understand a blockchain by implementing one in Spring boot. Remember, one thing that I have not described is the consensus algorithm to verify the chain, though I have implemented that in my class Blockchain.


  1. Build Blockchain
  2. Blockchain Github


Smart Contracts in Blockchain – Part II

In this post, we will show how to write a simple smart contract. If you do a quick google search, you will find numerous articles on writing smart contracts. In my previous post Blockchain, I explained blockchain. But I didn’t talk about the smart contracts in that post. That’s why a separate post.

Smart Contract

In layman’s terms, the contract is nothing but an agreement between two parties, witnessed by a third party to hold both parties accountable for playing out the contract. So what is a Smart Contract then?

In Nick Szabo’s words

Smart Contracts are a set of promises, specified in digital form, including protocols within which the parties perform on these promises.”

In Web Developer’s terms, a Smart contract is like an application API, but there are few exceptions. Like an API can call another external API, a smart contract can not call external API. A smart contract can call another smart contract. A smart contract comprised of a number of private functions and variables to implement the agreement.

More formal definition of a smart contract is a method of using Bitcoin to form agreements with people via the blockchain.


So how do we write these smart contracts? Ethereum is one such a platform that is used primarily for building and publishing distributed applications. It is a Turing-complete virtual machine built for the purpose of cryptocurrency. It is the fundamental underlying infrastructure platform that can run all blockchains and protocols. Each node in Ethereum runs an Ethereum Virtual Machine. This EVM hosts distributed programs (smart contracts) which get executed seamlessly.

Implementation of smart contracts

To address some basic questions like “How does a smart contract look?”, “What do you use for programming a smart contract?”, I will go over some simple concepts.

There are currently two programming languages that can be used to write a smart contract.

  • Solidity – A javascript look-alike language with file extensions .sol
  • Serpent – A python look-alike language with file extensions .se

Once a contract is written in either language, you can compile it using a solc compiler. A compiled contract then posted on the network. You can call this contract in your web app by using web3.js Javascript API.


In this post, I tried to explain one of the key concepts of blockchain, a smart contract. This can be used further in building decentralized applications. In the next post, I will show how to write a simple smart contract and run on a node with EVM.


  1. Building a smart contract – Smart Contract Ethereum
  2. Blockchain for web developers – Blockchain


Blockchain for Web Developers

Yes, there might be a plethora of articles about blockchain and how web developers can use to build applications. And this might not be a much different article either. In this post, I describe the basics of blockchain and crypto technology.


Blockchain has been the underlying technology for cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.

Firstly, this is a basic understanding of blockchain. We will cover the rest of the basics of blockchain soon. In most banking or financial systems, all bank accounts track through a ledger that keeps track of incomes and expenses.

Secondly, in current times, our centralized financial systems follow certain rules and regulations. A central authority defined these rules and that’s how trust was built. But blockchain is a decentralized system of the ledger where a peer-to-peer network is involved. Based on the peer-to-peer network, miners involved in the process, build trust in a decentralized form. All transactions are recorded on ledger and ledger is verified by nodes in the network. These nodes communicate with each other cryptographically for verification of transactions. When new transactions are added, there is a consensus formed in the network, this consensus is nothing but a block.


One reason why blockchain is popular is that it solves a double-spending problem that has been there for a long time in computer science. When it comes to a distributed system, there is no way to correctly verify the integrity of transactions. In relational database systems, we use referential integrity to verify integrity.

This is the foundational algorithm in the blockchain. In the mining process, miners compete with each other in the network to verify transactions and produce new blocks. For this work, miners get cryptocurrency.

In network, transactions happen all the time between users. A decentralized ledger will keep track of all these transactions. Miners will verify these transactions through proof of work algorithm.

Person A sends $10 to person B and not to person C. How do we verify that money went to Person B and not to Person C? This is a double-spending problem. Proof of work helps to solve this problem. There are other aspects to this algorithm like how to avoid any security threats, faster block generation(Power of network), storage capabilities. We will not be discussing those aspects here.


There are few drawbacks to this algorithm and one of the major one is 51% attack. The idea of 51% is when a user or a group of users control the majority of mining power. If this happens, the group can monopolize generating new blocks and this will lose the advantage of the decentralization principal.


Blocks form the ledger which forms the basis of blockchain. Each block contains transaction information which we can call as a fact. A block is nothing but the arrangement of all these facts and each block will have a reference to the next block.

Blockchain for web developers

Before these facts get added to blocks, they are pending and as miners continue to work, they verify these facts to confirm.


In conclusion, I introduced blockchain with some basics of blockchain for the web developers. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot to learn and bigger things to do in the cryptocurrency world. If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog.


  1. Blockchain: A blueprint for the new economy by Melanie Swann – Blockchain
  2. Proof of work – Proof of work
  3. Ethereum for Web developers – Ethereum for web developers