Category Archives: Programming

Deploying Spring Boot Application to Heroku

Heroku is a platform as a service (PAAS) that helps developers to build, deploy, and run applications on a cloud platform. Deploying Spring Boot application to Heroku is a straight forward process. I will describe this process in this post. There are actually multiple ways to deploy a spring boot application. The simplest way to deploy the application is to use maven built jar file and run that jar file on Heroku server.

In my previous post, I showed how to use Spring session in your Spring Boot application.

Before I show one of these two methods to deploy the application, we assume that you have created an account on, if not first please create an account and download Heroku-CLI (Command Line Interface). I also assume that you have git downloaded and installed.

Initial Deployment with Heroku

Once you have Heroku account and Command Line Interface downloaded, let’s start deploying the Spring Boot app with repository.

Create an application directory on your development environment.

git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"

Now you can either create an app in Heroku through web-interface OR through Heroku CLI.

heroku create rentersfeedback would create the application in Heroku.

As part of this post, I am deploying an alpha version of my application

Once you add the source code to the directory, we can push the repository to heroku.  Every time you push the repository to Heroku, Heroku’s builder will build the application and launch it.

git push heroku master

Despite this initial push, we don’t have the application ready to use yet.

Database Configuration

For this application, I will be using Postgres database. Heroku offers a couple of ways to add database as an add-on.

Once Postgres database is added, go to settings -> view credentials  this will provide us database credentials.

Now we can access the database server through pgAdmin Postgres Administration and create database and database tables for our application.

Back in Heroku web-interface, if you go to the application settings page, click on reveal Config Vars and set up the following variables


As you can see that we are using datasource type as tomcat jdbc pool and not the standard hikariCP which Spring boot provides. To make sure to work this, we have to add a dependency of tomcat-jdbc as follows:


If you don’t specify data source type as tomcat-jdbc, Heroku throws an error for Postgres database as below:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Driver org.postgresql.Driver claims to not accept jdbcUrl

This will get our Spring Boot app to work with the Postgres database while deploying on Heroku.

Configuration of Gradle to build a jar file

So by default, Heroku supports maven. If you want to use Gradle to build your application, you can use the following guidelines.

Now if you push these changes to heroku and build the application, the application will throw the following error while starting up

2019-11-30T17:05:46.096985+00:00 heroku[api]: Deploy 291326d by 
2019-11-30T17:05:46.097021+00:00 heroku[api]: Release v9 created by 
2019-11-30T17:05:46.378258+00:00 heroku[slug-compiler]: Slug compilation started 
2019-11-30T17:05:46.378269+00:00 heroku[slug-compiler]: Slug compilation finished 
2019-11-30T17:05:46.755655+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from crashed to starting 
2019-11-30T17:05:53.121398+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `java -Dserver.port=5000 -jar build/libs/myapp.jar` 
2019-11-30T17:05:54.260741+00:00 app[web.1]: Error: Unable to access jarfile build/libs/myapp.jar 
2019-11-30T17:05:54.784064+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed 
2019-11-30T17:05:54.773714+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 1

To resolve this issue, I will add a task in my gradle script that will build a jar file when I deploy the application.

apply plugin: 'java' 

task stage(type: Copy, dependsOn: [clean, build]) { 
    from jar.archivePath into project.rootDir rename { 'app.jar' } 


clean.doLast { 

Setting up

We have deployed our application, configured database, and build script. Usually when spring boot application starts, it will access all the required variables from So I will set up that file as follows:

# ==================================================================================== 
# ==================================================================================== 
spring.datasource.username = ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME} 
# ==================================================================================== 
# = Server SSL 
# ==================================================================================== 
server.port = 7443 

Setting up a custom domain

Heroku offers an easy option with SSL, so if you choose that, it is a straightforward approach with Let’s Encrypt to automatically manage the SSL certificate.

Now to set up the custom domain, add your domain and heroku will provide the target DNS server. For your corresponding domain provider, you will add DNS setting for CNAME(for www) and ANAME (root domain). Wait for a few hours for this setting to take place.

Access the application

We are ready to access the application now. Once you have pushed all the required changes to Heroku repository, heroku will build the application and launch it.

Now if we access, we will be able to see the application as follows:

home page of rentersfeedback

Renters Feedback


  1. Deploying Spring boot application to Heroku – deploy spring boot app
  2. Deploying Gradle application to Heroku – Gradle applications to Heroku
  3. Custom domains in Heroku – Custom domains in Heroku



Forgot Password Feature in Spring Boot Application

In this post, we will show how to implement a forgot password feature for your Spring Boot Application. In my old post, I had shown how to create social login for an application.

Most web applications will have forgot password page and there are different policies about password creation and resetting the password. Overall, you can assume that user will forget a password and will need to reset password.

Flow for Forgot Password

  1. User visits login screen and clicks on forgot password option.
  2. User enters email address in forgot password box.
  3. On Server side, we verify if a user with that email exists or not.
  4. On Server side, we create a time-bound security reset token affiliated with that user and send it in an email, provided that the user exists.
  5. User receives an email to reset password.
  6. Once the user clicks the reset password link which includes the reset token.
  7. User redirects to a page where the user can reset the password.
  8. Then the user submits a new password along with reset token. Based on reset token, we first verify if the user is correct and then saves the new password.
  9. User redirects to login page.

Once now, we have described the flow, we can show how to implement this feature.

Forgot Password UI

A screen where user will enter email address to reset the password, will look like below:

Feature of Forgot Password

Forgot Password

Once the user enters his email address, server side implementation will validate if a user with that email exists or not. In LoginController , this posting of Reset Password will look like below:

        String email = ServletUtil.getAttribute(request, "email");
        User user = userRepository.findUserByEmail(email);

        if(user == null)
            model.addAttribute("error", "We didn't find this user");
            return "forgotpassword";
        PasswordResetToken token = new PasswordResetToken();
        Mail mail = new Mail();
        Map<String, Object> modelObj = new HashMap<>();
        modelObj.put("user", user);
        String url =
                request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort();
        modelObj.put("resetUrl", url + "/resetpassword?token=" + token.getToken());

As you see in this code token object is one-to-one mapped with user.  Once the user submits email address, we send him a password reset email with URL.

So this email will look like below:

Password Reset Email

Once the user clicks on the link from email, user will be redirected to a form to submit new password. When displaying the form, first the reset token will be validated if it has not expired and exists. GET request for reset form will present the form.

POST request will submit the form to reset user password.

    public String getPasswordResetPage(@RequestParam(required=false) String token, Model model)
        PasswordResetToken passwordResetToken = passwordResetTokenRepository.findByToken(token);
        if(passwordResetToken == null)
            model.addAttribute("error","Could not find reset token");
        else if(passwordResetToken.isExpired())
            model.addAttribute("error","Reset Token is expired");
        return "resetpassword";

    public String handlePasswordReset(HttpServletRequest request, Model model)
        String token = ServletUtil.getAttribute(request, "token");
        PasswordResetToken passwordResetToken = passwordResetTokenRepository.findByToken(token);
        User user = passwordResetToken.getUser();
        String password = ServletUtil.getAttribute(request, "password");
        String confirmPassword = ServletUtil.getAttribute(request, "confirmPassword");

        return "redirect:/login?resetSuccess";


After new password is saved, the reset token is deleted, so it can’t be reused.


In this post, we showed how to implement the user story of forgot password. There are usually different possibilities to reset the password. It mostly depends on what password policies you adapt.


  1. Forgot Password Feature – Forgot Password


How to add Stripe Payment to Spring Boot Application

In this post, we will show how to add Stripe Payment to Spring boot application. Most enterprise applications offer a way where customer can pay online. Online payments are the backbone of internet world in current times. If you ever built an application for a customer, previously there were physical cheques OR credit card payments. With the applications becoming more web based, it has become utmost necessary to integrate your application with some kind of payment gateway. Payment gateway will handle all tax and financial regulation related complications which the application doesn’t have to deal with.

The functionality is part of the application Social KPI that I am building.

What are we trying to achieve here?

Story for Stripe Payment

An administrator comes on the billing page and pays the bill for that month. Once the bill is paid, the billing page will show that the bill has been paid for that month. So the option to enter credit card details will only be shown if the bill has not been paid.

As part of payment service, we will be using Stripe . Once the user enters credit card details and she can enter Pay Now button which will contact Stripe API to get token, this token will be used to create a charge on Stripe and Stripe will respond with success or failure of the charge.


To summarize the flow

  1. User clicks Pay Now to pay the charges
  2. Frontend Stripe javascript API contacts Stripe to create token using enter billing details
  3. Frontend Stripe javascript API sends this token to server to handle billing on server side
  4. On server side, controller uses the token and amount to create charge for that customer for application usage.
  5. For paid bills, the status is marked as paid for the customer for that month.

Frontend Implementation

To use Stripe APIs, we must first create account on as a developer and get the keys. Good thing is Stripe offers API keys for test and live environments. For this post and demo, we will be using test keys only. Once we have API keys, we will use them in our frontend and backend implementation.

In following screenshot, you will see how the billing page will look:

Billing Page

Once the user clicks on Pay Now, the javascript function from Stripe for mounting card and creating token will be called. Once the token is available, the same function will pass it server by submitting a POST request. Sample of this code will look like below:

            var form = document.getElementById('payment-form');

            function payTheBill(){
                        var errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors');
                        errorElement.textContent = result.error.message;
                    } else {
                        var token =;
                        var email = $('#email').val();
                        var companyid = $('#companyid').val();
                        var amount = $('#amount').val();
                            {email:email,token:token,companyid : companyid, amount:amount},

Backend Implementation

As part of the application Social KPI, I have a database table billing to track customer’s paid bills. The PaymentController is a REST controller which will have a POST request mapping for creating a charge and storing in the database table and mark the bill as paid. As shown above in javascript code, once the token is available it will be sent to server side to controller to handle the charge. This will be a REST call, so the controller is also RestController.

 @RequestMapping(value="/createcharge",method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public Response createCharge(String email, String token, String companyid, double amount)
    {"Enter >> createCharge() ");

        if(token == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't create a charge, try again");

        Billing billing = billingRepository.findByCompanyId(Integer.parseInt(companyid));

        double billedAmount = amount * 100;

        String chargeId = paymentService.createCharge(email,token,billedAmount);

        if(chargeId != null && !chargeId.equals(""))
  "bill has been charged on consumer's account");
            billing.setPaiddate(new Date());
        }"Exit << createCharge() ");
        return new Response(true,"Congratulations, your card has been charged, chargeId= "+chargeId);

As shown above, Service called paymentService will create a charge on Stripe. To implement paymentService, you will need to include stripe java library in your implementation.


So the service class PaymentService will look like below to create charge:

    public String createCharge(String email, String token, double amount)
        String id = null;
            Stripe.apiKey = API_SECRET_KEY;
            Map chargeParams = new HashMap<>();
            chargeParams.put("amount", (int)(amount*100));
            chargeParams.put("currency", "USD");
            chargeParams.put("description", "Charge for " + email);
            chargeParams.put("source", token);
            Charge charge = Charge.create(chargeParams);
            id = charge.getId();
        catch(StripeException e)
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to process the charge", e);
        return id;

Once the bill is paid, administrator will see this as the bill paid for that month.


In this post, we showed how to integrate Spring boot application with Stripe payment gateway.


  1. Stripe API reference -
  2. Integrate Stripe with Spring boot - Stripe with Spring boot

Metrics collection with Micrometer and Prometheus

In my previous post here, I showed how to configure Micrometer and Prometheus to collect microservice performance metrics data. In this post, I will show how we can collect Spring Boot Actuator metrics data and transfer to Prometheus UI, and view it using dashboards.

Spring Boot offers a lot of great features with Actuator. With enterprise applications constantly looking for ways to monitor the application, these metrics become even more important.

Configure Prometheus using the docker

Firstly, we will configure the Prometheus. Depending on the environment you are using, start the docker terminal. Use the following command to download Prometheus

docker pull prom/prometheus

We will configure Prometheus to scrape metrics from our application’s actuator endpoint. As shown in the previous post here, spring boot actuator endpoint is running on http://localhost:8080/actuator/prometheus

We will add Prometheus configuration in prometheus.yml file as below:

# my global config
  scrape_interval:     5s # Set the scrape interval to every 5 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
  evaluation_interval: 5s # Evaluate rules every 5 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
  # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).
# Alertmanager configuration
  - static_configs:
    - targets:
      # - alertmanager:9093
# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
  # - "first_rules.yml"
  # - "second_rules.yml"
# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: 'prometheus'
    # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
    # scheme defaults to 'http'.
    - targets: ['localhost:9090']
  - job_name: 'spring-actuator'
    metrics_path: '/actuator/prometheus'
    scrape_interval: 5s
    - targets: ['IPADDRESS_OF_HOST:8080']

Few things to notice from this configuration file. scrape_interval is 5s. In scrape_configs , job name for our Spring Actuator endpoint is spring-actuator and the endpoint is running at /actuator/prometheus. The targets section shows where our application is running.  Save this file at a location that we can use to mount while running the docker container.

To Run the Prometheus using docker, use the following command:

docker run --name prometheus -d --mount type=bind,source=//c/Users/sandbox/prometheus.yml,destination=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus

This will start the Prometheus server at 9090 and it can be accessed at 9090.  Meanwhile, we can check the Prometheus dashboard. Let’s get the docker IP first by using the following command

docker-machine ip

Now check the Prometheus dashboard at http://docker-ip:9090 , it will look like below:

Spring Boot Actuator Metrics in Prometheus Dashboard


In this post, we showed how to run a Prometheus out of docker container and scrape metrics from Spring boot application.


  1. Spring Boot and Prometheus – Spring boot actuator and Prometheus
  2. Monitoring your microservices – Monitoring your microservices



Introduction to Graphs

In my previous article, I talked about hashtables. I will discuss one more data structure in this post and it is probably one of the most important data structures of all and that is Graphs.

Clearly, our current web technologies are heavily reliant on graphs. Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn or any social media platform which includes users use graphs as a data structure. So, graphs are the most common data structure to solve problems related to finding the distance between two nodes OR the shortest path from place A to place B.

Therefore, when it comes to the social network, we are accustomed to six degrees of freedom, in such cases, we can use graphs to find how many degrees will it take to connect two nodes on the social network. In networking, most use graphs to find the fastest way to deliver the response.

How do you explain Graphs to 5-year-olds?

The easiest example, one can give to a kid to explain Graphs, is to look at City A and City B on a map. Now use the road that connects to those two cities.

City A – has bananas, and oranges, city B – has apples, and city C – has watermelons.

Now on the map, when we travel from City A to City B, what possible route we can take and what information we can exchange. City A and City B can transfer apples, bananas, oranges to each other. Once City B gets bananas and oranges, it can transfer that to other neighboring cities.

In short, we are connecting nodes (vertices) of cities A and B through a road (edge) while exchanging the products these two cities are known for.

Graphs Data Structure

In this post, we will discuss graphs from the Java perspective. Graphs allow representing real-life relationships between different types of data. There are two important aspects to graph:

  • Vertices (Nodes) – Nodes represent the points of a graph where the graph is connected. Node store the data or data points. 
  • Edges – Edges represent the relationship between different nodes. Edges can have weight or cost.

However, there is no starting node or ending node in the graph. A graph can be cyclical or acyclical. In conclusion, edges can be directed or undirected which give birth to graphs as directed or undirected. 

For instance, edges are generally represented in the form of a set of ordered pairs as in (x,y) – there is an edge from node x to node y. So (x,y) can be different from (y,x), especially in the directed graph.

Representations of Graphs

A. Adjacency Matrix –

This is a 2 dimensional array of size n*n where n is number of nodes in the graph. adj[][] is the usual way of representing this matrix.  So if adj[i][j] = 1, it represents an edge between node i and node j. Adjacency matrix for an undirected graph is symmetrical. Now if I have to represent the graph shown above in the figure, I will represent it like below:

                A               B             C        G         E
               A                 0               1             0         1         0
               B                1              0             1         0         1
               C                0              1             0         0         1
               G                1              0             0         0         1
               E                0              1             1         1         0

 B. Adjacency List –

Similarly, an array of lists is used. The size of the array is equal to the number of nodes in the graph. So arr[i] will indicate the list of vertices adjacent to node i.


Operations on the Graphs

There are common operations that we will use often. Likewise, graph as a data structure offers the following operations:


addNode  – Add a node in the existing graph

addEdge – Add an edge in the existing graph between two nodes


removeNode – Remove a node from the existing graph

removeEdge – Remove an edge between two nodes from the graph


contains– find if the graph contains the given node

hasEdge – find if there is an edge between given two nodes


Time and Space Complexity of operations on Graphs

Above all, a post would be incomplete if I didn’t talk about complexity about operations on the graph data structure. Basically, this really depends on what representations you use for the graph. With adjacency matrix, addition and removal operations are O(1) operations. While search operations like contains and hasEdge are also O(1) operations. In addition, the space complexity for the adjacency matrix is O(n*n).

While with adjacency list, additions are O(1) and removal of a node is O(n) operation, removal of an edge is O(1) . Therefore, search operations are equally O(1)


In conclusion, I showed the basics of the graph as a data structure. The graph is a data structure that contains nodes and edges. Also, It has operations like additions, removal, and search. In future posts, I will talk about implementing Depth First Search and Breadth First Search in the graph. After that, we will solve some real problems using this data structure. Above all, Graph is an important data structure.


  1. Introduction to Graphs – Graphs
  2. Graph as data structure – Graph as data structure