Category Archives: Programming

How to resolve PKIX Path Building Failed in Docker Container

Consider the following scenario in which a docker container was throwing SSLHandshakeException. You are running a service in a docker container. This service calls another service in another docker container and the API calls fails with following error: PKIX path building failed: 
unable to find valid certification path to requested target

In this post, I will show how to resolve SSLHandshakeException within docker container with a simple fix.

Previously, I showed how to run your services using docker container in this post.

This scenario is very common with microservices running in docker containers. Also there are few ways you can resolve this issue, but I will suggest a standard way to resolve this issue.

Standard solution is to get SSL certificate of target service and import that certificate in keystore of Java runtime that calling service is using.

Docker Container Logo

How do we resolve Docker Container – SSLHandshakeException?

The dilemma exists because every time you stop docker container and restart or kill a docker container and restart it, it will change container id. With that, you can’t be sure where JAVA_HOME of your calling service exists.

So depending on what Java environment are you using for your docker container, the easiest thing you can do is copy a cacerts keystore file from your local host machine to docker container when building the docker image.

Before you copy cacerts, make sure you import the SSL certificate of the target service. You can use keytool command to import this certificate.

Now add a below command in your Dockerfile

COPY ./cacerts /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto.x86_64/jre/lib/security/cacerts

This will build your docker image and will resolve the PKIX Path Building Failed error.


A drawback of this solution is that you have to make sure that your base docker image has jvm path mentioned in the command. If it is different from above, you will have to first find that. Also if you call multiple services, you will have to get SSL certificates of all those servies.

One important thing to note that this should not happen in your production environment, but mostly development sandbox. Production environment should have CA signed SSL certificates on load balancer and all your services should be behind that load balancer while sharing the same certificate.


  1. Docker Containers – docker

How to integrate reCaptcha with Spring Boot Application

In this post, I want to show how to integrate ReCaptcha in a Spring Boot application. This will be an important step if you have forms in your application and if those forms are publicly available on the internet. You can face a lot of spams or bots trying to fill those forms. To avoid these spams from bots, ReCaptcha is of utmost importance.

Google offers a reCaptcha service that we will integrate with Spring Boot application to stop bots from submitting the forms in our application.

Registration with Google for ReCaptcha

Google offers a reCaptcha service that developers can use in their applications. As part of this implementation, we will register our service in Google APIs so that Google can provide us credentials to use while calling its service.

We can register our site at Google Recaptcha Administration. This registration will provide us with site-key and site-secret.

Now as part of Spring boot application, we can store these credentials in file as below:

# ====================================================================================
# Google reCaptcha Settings
# ====================================================================================

We will make these properties available through a spring bean object in our application, so we can use them when we call Google Recaptcha Service.

UI changes to display ReCaptcha box

Now to display Recaptcha box on your form, we will add the following code in our templates where our public form resides. In this case, I am putting Recaptcha box in Contact Us and Sign Up pages as those are publicly available forms.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    <title>Renters Feedback</title>

    <!-- other scripts and stylesheets -->
    <script src=''></script>


<form method = "post" id="contactus" th:action="@{/contact}">
<!--- other code to display contact us form -->
<div class="g-recaptcha" th:attr="data-sitekey=${@captchaSettings.getSite()}"></div><br/><br/>
<span id="captchaError" class="alert alert-danger col-sm-4" style="display:none"></span>



Server-side handling of ReCaptcha

So as we have a widget on our form. When a user completes a challenge and submits the form, the request will be sent to the server containing an encoded site key and a unique string that identifies user’s challenge completion.

But on the server side, we can’t just assume and trust what the user has submitted. So we need to verify this captcha challenge by sending a request to Google API at by passing captcha response we have received.

If the verification is successful, the json response from API will contain a success parameter.

If the verification fails, then an application will throw an exception and reCaptcha library will instruct a client to create a new challenge.

One thing to understand here is that we limit how many attempts a client can make to reCaptcha challenge. The reason for this is to avoid any kind of DoS attack. Of course, this is precautionary and elementary step. We implement ReCaptchaAttemptService to block if a client tries to use the challenge for more than 4 attempts.

Demo of the complete workflow of ReCaptcha


In this post, we showed how we can use google reCaptcha service to integrate a reCaptcha widget in a form that is publicly available to avoid bots spams. From the security perspective, this is an important step and developers should take into account this important feature for their web applications.


  1. Recaptcha with Spring Boot Application – Recaptcha With Spring Boot Application
  2. Protecting Spring Boot application with Google Recaptcha – Protecting Spring Boot Application



Techstack Framework for RentersFeedback

As a developer, we make different choices based on what is available to us and what we know. But are those choices always better? They may not or they may. It really depends. In this post, I describe the techstack framework that I used to build Renters Feedback.

You can read my post, how I came up with an idea to build an application for renters feedback.

I wanted to describe the process of the choices I made to choose a tech stack framework for building the application. Considering my expertise in Spring Boot, it was a default choice to use to build this application. There are other factors I took into account like the ease of coding, ease of deploying as a microservice-based application in the cloud, and docker.

Techstack Framework for Renters Feedback

Development Framework For Renters Feedback

For developing the application, my focus was on the re-usability of code. Since I have written few applications as part of this blog using Spring Boot, there was authentication, login forms, sign up forms, most of that code was readily available. One thing I have to think through for RentersFeedback was database modeling.

Database Framework for Renters Feedback

For developing a database based application, I used mysql as a development database. In production, I changed that to postgresql . 

Why database change? 

Heroku support for mysql wasn’t straightforward, so I preferred what was available by default and it was postgresql. I have to do a few changes to mysql scripts. I could have automated these scripts through liquibase, but I preferred not to for the first version of the product. In the future, when I plan to add more changes to the database model, I will add liquibase-based scripts.

Authentication Scheme

There were some questions about why a user needs to login on a RentersFeedback website. Well, someone has to post those reviews before people can browse it. You need to login if you want to post a review.

The easiest choice was to have form-based login even though it is getting old and not safe. I still feel most users would use email to login. User passwords are stored in an encrypted and hashed format in the database.

Another mechanism, I decided to add, was OAuth2 OpenId protocol by using Google API for the same. It was easy to implement and something I have expertise in.

I could add other social logins, but I prefer to keep it simple and if the need arises, I will add those logins in the future.

Using Google API, made me use Redis Cache. I wasn’t planning to use cache since the application is still in nascent stages, but now it is there, so future scaling would be easier from a performance perspective.

User Interface

The user interface was built using Spring Boot provided thymeleaf templates along with Twitter’s Bootstrap CSS library and javascript library. For the search feature, I have used javascript library of Google search APIs.

After deploying the application on Heroku, I came across a few issues about having forms available publicly. To avoid spams, I will be adding Captcha on those forms. I will show how to use reCaptcha APIs in the next post.

To allow users to reset the password, I have used Spring Boot Email system. This was an easy implementation once you know how the forgot your password flow works.

Deployment Environment

I used Heroku to deploy my application. Heroku has great documentation. It’s very easy to sync up with your GitHub repository. So if you push your changes to GitHub, it will sync up to build and deploy on Heroku.


Choosing the right tech stack framework for your application can be a difficult task if you are a beginner.  Since I have experience in building applications, choosing this techstack framework for Renters Feedback was a straightforward choice. If you have any questions about implementation, why I used certain technology, and how it can be improved, you can post a comment on this blog and I will answer those questions.

RentersFeedback is a brainchild from a tweet that a friend tweeted back in August:

Tweet from a renter

Based on this tweet, I thought it would be nice if renters have some say about landlords. Around the same time, my girlfriend was looking for an apartment/house to rent. Even though we found a place, we were not sure if it’s a good place. And there were no reviews about this place. On the first impression, the house didn’t look like a place where anybody has lived in a long time, but we made our decision and went ahead with it. It would have been nice if there was a review of this place.

I am sure when most people are looking for places to rent, they use services like Padmapper or Zillow which offers the easiest way to find places based on area, requirements, budget, other facilities. But none of these applications offer a review system.

What this will solve?

Renters Feedback will solve the much-needed place to provide reviews about the places that people are renting. This will help future renters to look for good places to rent. This will also make landlords and rental management companies more accountable. I hope Renters Feedback can help renters with reviews for the places they want to rent.

What about Yelp? has been providing reviews of restaurants, small businesses, and other things, but rarely of a standalone house to be rented or a rental management company. Yelp has done a tremendous job, but it lacks in this one area.

Why an application with a single functionality?

Less is more. Simple functionality matters in long terms than a complicated one. In marketing, there is a term affordance that refers to the perceived and actual properties of the thing, primarily those fundamental properties that determine how the thing could be used. A single functionality of the application will help users to navigate and use the application efficiently.


To build, I have used Spring Boot Microservice based architecture. I have implemented the current user interface using Twitter Bootstrap, CSS, Javascript, Google Javascript API, and Thymeleaf. Backend is written using Java and database supported.

Using Redis for caching, Google for OAuth2 authentication along with regular authentication. is my choice of the cloud platform to launch the application. It offers an easy way to assemble all the needed services like database, Redis, and the server itself.

One future change for this might be to move the user interface to reactjs. Something that is currently I am working on.


I would love it if you could use the application and would appreciate any feedback.  Subscribe to my blog to find out more about renters’ feedback.