Till now, we have discussed all creational types of design patterns. In this post, we will be creating a demo about structural design patterns. In this series, our first design pattern is Adapter design pattern. As said, this design pattern is structural design pattern. This design pattern combines the capabilities of two independent interfaces. It basically acts like a bridge between two incompatible interfaces.
Easiest example to understand adapter pattern in real life is the electric socket in different continents provide different voltages. A traveler from Asia can use an adapter in Europe to get 240 V of electricity for electronic devices.
When to use Adapter Design Pattern?
Firstly, when a client expects different interface than available, at that time adapter pattern can help to convert a interface of a class into another interface that the client can use. However, Adapter pattern allows reuse of lot of code and it is one of the major reasons why it is most favorable among software engineering. Similarly, a real example you would find in JDK libraries of InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter.
How to use Adapter Design Pattern?
So in this implementation, we will show how to use Adapter design pattern. We have a traveler from Asia traveling in Europe, he wants to use his electronic device which needs 240 V of electricity from socket, but Europe only provides 120 V of electricity. We will design an adapter class that will convert 120 V of electricity to 240 V of electricity.
Our target class or client class is AsiaSocket, as shown below:
package com.betterjavacode.designpatterns.adapterexample;
public class AsiaSocket {
public void provideElectricity() {
System.out.println("Provide electricity of 240 V");
It’s a simple class with a method provideElectricity.
Our adaptee class is EuropeSocket which implements an interface IEuropeSocket as shown below:
package com.betterjavacode.designpatterns.adapterexample;
public class EuropeSocket implements IEuropeSocket {
public void getElectricity() {
System.out.println("Get electricity of 120 V");
Secondly, we will implement an Adapter class that will provide adapter between Europe and Asia Socket classes. This will look like below:
package com.betterjavacode.designpatterns.adapterexample;
public class EuropeAsiaAdapter implements IEuropeSocket {
AsiaSocket asiaSocket;
public EuropeAsiaAdapter(AsiaSocket asiaSocket) {
this.asiaSocket = asiaSocket;
public void getElectricity() {
This class has a constructor to instantiate AsiaSocket and implements IEuropeSocket interface.
Now in our demo class, we will show how to use this adapter pattern.
package com.betterjavacode.designpatterns;
import com.betterjavacode.designpatterns.adapterexample.AsiaSocket;
import com.betterjavacode.designpatterns.adapterexample.EuropeAsiaAdapter;
import com.betterjavacode.designpatterns.adapterexample.EuropeSocket;
import com.betterjavacode.designpatterns.adapterexample.IEuropeSocket;
public class AdapterDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
EuropeSocket es = new EuropeSocket();
AsiaSocket as = new AsiaSocket();
IEuropeSocket europeAsiaAdapter = new EuropeAsiaAdapter(as);
System.out.println(" Electricity in Asia ");
System.out.println(" Electricity in Europe ");
System.out.println(" Electricity for Asia in Europe");
Therefore, if you run this demo class, the output will show that we will be getting electricity of 240 V for Asian electronic devices in Europe.
In conclusion, we showed how to use the Adapter pattern. The demo code will be available on GitHub repository here.
Over the last few months, I have worked on Spring Boot and tried to collect my knowledge around Microservices. I was discussing lot of this with my friends and one friend did suggest me to write a book. Initially I was little hesitant to write a book about something I was learning. But also the whole point of learning is to teach someone at some point of time.
Spring Boot and Microservices
So I took this as a challenge to write a book about Spring Boot and Microservices. Initially I created series of posts and posted on this blog to see how much it could benefit people. And now to make it easy for every one, I have collected all this information and wrote an ebook. This ebook Spring Boot and Microservices is free to download. I hope this will help people to understand the concepts of Microservices and my example can help them to head start the building their projects.
What’s next?
Where do we go from here? There are a lot of questions about the next strategy for Spring Boot and Microservices. What I have covered in this book, is a tiny portion of big picture. There is lot of options like scaling the service, adding a health check for the service, and deploying the service on the cloud with automation. But for right now, I just want to take a break from thinking about this and I will come up with a next plan soon.
Till that time, you can download, read, and send me your feedback about the book. It would be great if you could leave a review for the book here.
If you have any questions, please leave your comments on this blog and I will try my best to answer them.
In this post, I show how to deploy a spring application in a docker container.
What is docker
Docker is a container platform delivered by a company named “Docker Inc.” It can be used by developers, operators, and enterprise users to deliver and use packaged software. Docker has something called a container. A container can be a virtual machine (VM) in lay man’s terms, but still a little different from VM. Container contains packaged software delivered in a way that it can be run isolated on a shared operating system. As per official definition – Unlike VMs, the container does not bundle a full operating system – only libraries and settings required to make the software work are needed.
In this demo, we will use our spring boot application built throughout from Part I to Part VIII.
I am using Windows Platform Toolbox for docker to build my docker containers.
We will build a container with MySQL database deployed and another container where we will deploy spring boot application. This spring boot application container will connect to MySQL database container at runtime. The process is a little complicated, but once you get your hands on the docker container, it becomes very straight forward to understand. Also for this post, I will not explain anything about spring boot application. You should review all the previous posts I have written explaining how to build and deploy spring boot application on an embedded tomcat.
Once we know about docker, it is easy to deploy an application in docker.
Building a docker container with MySQL
Few things to remember
Make sure your spring boot application is working with MySQL database before you build a container.
If your application contains user administration and password, make sure you have a super administrator whose password you can insert in the database with password_hash. This is specifically true for the application we will be deploying in the docker container.
For most standard applications (like MySQL, java 8, spring-boot), there are a number of images available in the docker hub. When we will run our docker container for the database, the docker shell will pull the version of that application from the hub to build a container. We will not be creating any new or blank docker image. To run a docker container with mysql version 5.6, we will use below command.
The name of our docker container is benefitsmysql.
We are not using any password. This is not recommended for production code, I am just doing this for demo purposes.
The database name is benefitsmysql.
Also this database is running at port 3308 to 3306 of localhost machine.
-d to tell Docker to daemonize the container and keep it running.
mysql:5.6 to download MySQL 5.6 Server image from Docker public repo
Once this is started, there are couple of ways you can verify if we are able to connect to this database or not.
Get the ip address of this container host with command docker-machine ip . Now in mysql administrator workbench, access the mysql server with ip address and port 3308 and see if you can access the database.
Another way on docker shell terminal – use this command docker exec -it benefitsmysql -l , this will connect you as a root to the shell where mysql is installed. And then you can use mysql as regular command to access mysql.
To run our Spring boot application successfully, once you access mysql, create the following tables:
use benefitsmysql;
create table companyprofile (id int not null auto_increment, establisheddate date, status varchar(50),corporationtype varchar(50), primary key(id));
create table company(id int not null auto_increment, name varchar(255), statusid int, type varchar(255), ein varchar(50), companyprofileid int, primary key(id), foreign key(companyprofileid) references company(id));
create table userprofile(id int not null auto_increment, dob date, doh date, maritalstatus varchar(50),sex varchar(50),ssn varchar(50),weight varchar(50), height varchar(50),employmentstatus varchar(50), terminationdate date, primary key(id));
create table user(id int not null auto_increment, createdate date, email varchar(255),firstname varchar(255), middlename varchar(255), lastname varchar(255),username varchar(100),jobtitle varchar(255),password_hash text,enabled tinyint(4), userprofileid int, primary key(id), foreign key(userprofileid) references userprofile(id));
create table role(id int not null auto_increment, role varchar(255), primary key(id));
create table user_role(user_id int not null, role_id int not null, primary key(user_id, role_id));
Building a docker image for Spring Boot Application along with mysql
To dockerize my spring boot application, we will use a maven plugin to build a docker image.
I am passing dockerDirectory where Dockerfile will be stored to build our image. Also another change I have made to my original pom file, is that i have added packaging as jar.
My Dockerfile to build a docker image is as below:
FROM java:8
ADD Benefits.jar Benefits.jar
RUN bash -c 'touch /Benefits.jar'
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom","-jar","/Benefits.jar"]
Basically this will build a Benefits.jar using java 8 and will expose port 8443 that I can use to access my application.
Now build a new docker container image by using maven goal as
mvn clean package docker:build
To run the application
docker run -p 8443:8443 --name benefits --link benefitsmysql:mysql -d containerid
This will execute the jar built within that container. Important to note here is --link as it links other container where we have mysql server deployed. So we are linking two containers and we will call the database from our spring boot application container. The same command can be used little differently to see the detail execution log as below
docker run -p 8443:8443 --name benefits --link benefitsmysql:mysql -it containerid
Executing the application
Once the application starts successfully, we will access our application with url , this will look like below:
Another note – Make sure to update IP addess in all angular js references.
In this post, we showed how we can deploy Spring boot application connected to MySQL on a docker container. Code for this post will be available on GitHub repository here
In this post, we will show how to use Spring Boot Security to login, authorization based on user role, log out, and error handling.
We will be discussing the following use case
A user accesses a home page for an application.
A user enters credentials
If correct credentials, we create a session and verifies the user role. User with USER role sees the user profile page. User with ADMIN role sees the list of users page.
Incorrect credentials, the user will see the login screen once again to enter credentials.
A user clicks on logout, the session is deleted and the user is redirected to the login page.
If a user (of any role) tries to login after logout, the user should be redirected to the appropriate page
In a scenario where a user is neither USER nor ADMIN, he is redirected to the error page
Handling of CSRF token
To completely understand this post, make sure you have gone through my other posts on the Spring Boot series.
Since this post involves authorization for users, we have to do some database changes. We will add a couple of tables and respective model classes in our REST API modification.
Table role
Table user_role
create table role (id int(11) auto_increment primary key not null, role varchar(255) )
create table user_role (user_id int(11) primary key not null, role_id int(11) primary key not null))
user_role the table helps to maintain a many-to-many relationship between the user and role table. We will have only two roles for demo purposes, USER and ADMIN.
Another change we have done in table user is that we have added a field called password_hash to store password set by user/administrator for a user to login. We will be storing a hash password value of the original password that the user will set.
Since we will be using Spring-security for authentication and authorization purposes, we will add the dependency for spring security as follows:
As shown in this controller, we have defined a user page, a login page, and an error page (403). A user with the role of either USER or ADMIN or both can access a user page which shows that logged in user’s profile.
Every user irrespective of roles will see the login page for authentication. If there are any errors during authentication or authorization, the user will see an error page displaying access denied page (403).
This login page shows a simple form to input username (email) and password and process that authentication using spring-security database authentication method.
@RequestMapping(value = "/home", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String homepage(Model model)
LOGGER.info(" Enter >> homepage() ");
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
String name = auth.getName();
User user = userManager.findUserByEmail(name);
model.addAttribute("name", user.getFirstname());
LOGGER.info(" Exit << homepage() ");
return "index";
Changes in MainController are about an authenticated user and passing that user’s first name to model to display in HTML page. UserManager in the service layer has been enhanced to return a user based on username (which is email). We have also added an email to be unique as a constraint in the database.
User page for a user with role USER is nothing but a user profile information that he can edit and update any time.
Now we have the application ready with all the required backend details for adding the authentication part. Remember we are using spring-security for authentication and authorization of an application.
When a user with role ADMIN or USER calls either /home or /user pages respectively, the user will need to log in.
Once the user inputs credentials, validation of credentials happens against the JDBC database authentication mechanism provided by spring-security.
If a user of the role USER tries to access the ADMIN home page, the user sees an error 403 page. Authentication Success Handler handles the redirection strategy.
If the user clicks the LOGOUT button on the page he is on, the session gets deleted and the user logs out of the application. The user will see the login page. All the cookies will be deleted. Logout Success Handler handles the redirection.
Changes in AngularJS User Interface Controller
As shown in user.html page, once the user with role USER is logged in, he sees URL for his profile information. If a user clicks this URL, the user sees his or her profile information. This page has a controller called UserCtrl which basically handles the logout on this initial page. User Profile is shown on userprofile.html page which has singleusercontroller. This angular js controller handles updating user profile information or logout. The github repository contains the rest of the code.
Handling CSRF Token
There are two ways we can handle Cross-Site Request Forgery token in the Spring application. The first way is by disabling this token generation. This is not a recommended approach as this put your application to possible CSRF security attacks for hackers. If you are just doing this for demo purposes, you can disable this in SecurityConfig.java by calling http.csrf().disable().
As Spring points out, a request coming through browsers should contain CSRF Protection.
We will be using spring security to handle CSRF token on the server-side rather than on the client-side. So every request that comes to the server, we will add a CSRF token and then verified. Angular JS verifies the cookie for the CSRF token before a user can post any request.
Add a CSRF Filter Class
We will add a filter that will handle setting of CSRF token in a cookie. Angular JS expects a cookie name to be as XSRF-TOKEN. This class will look like below:
We tell spring-security to expect CSRF token in the format that Angular wants to send it back , a header called X-XSRF-TOKEN instead of default X-CSRF-TOKEN. With these changes, we don’t have to do anything on client side.
In this post, we showed how to use spring security for authentication and authorization. Now we will show how to run the application. Once the application is built and run from eclipse, access the page https://localhost:8443/home , we will see below screen:
It will be the same screen if you access https://localhost:8443/user. Now if we enter credentials of an admin user, we will see below screen:
User screen will be as below:
If you click logout, it will log the user out and show login screen again. In this way, we showed how we can use spring security for authentication and authorization. Code for this is available at Github repository.
Firstly, there is no official definition of Microservices by industry standards. It’s a recent phenomenon in the software industry to architect the new software which should be lightweight, easier to deploy, and scale, easier to refactor individually, and could work independently.
However, to understand in detail, you can definitely read Martin Fowler’s Microservices or Chris Richardson’s Microservices.
Secondly, microservices are small services that can run independently but can also easily communicate with other services.
Microservice Architecture vs Monolithic Architecture
In a traditional monolithic architecture style, there is a single application with a single code base. An application contains a number of modules that are interrelated and can have external dependencies. It’s a multi-tier enterprise application and has been used to build software for long.
Above all, the microservice architecture style was born out of a need to build an application that could easily be supported for mobile applications. The older style was not easy to support for mobile and new generation way to the handling of data. Any large enterprise application can be easily built using the microservices architecture style. A famous example is NETFLIX.
How to identify the Microservice Architecture Pattern?
A simple ground rule of the microservice architecture pattern is to build a standalone service that can be run without depending on any other service. In other words, a large application can have more than one service talking to each other, communicating with their own databases, but still performing the business logic. Databases are used to ensure loose coupling of services.
For instance, a large enterprise e-commerce application can consist of the following services
Backend service REST API to manage data
Account Service
Shipment Service
Inventory Service
Runtime service to handle runtime and backend data to process business logic
Logging service
Error Handling service
Session service
Additionally, UI for the e-commerce application can be built independently to use backend services to show/edit data.
By standards, there are few rules to identify microservices patterns
Decomposition by business capability
Database per service pattern
API gateway pattern
Client-side discovery and Server-side discovery
Pros and Cons of Microservices
Deployability – Easier to deploy and one can deploy them independently, without affecting other services.
Reliability – A fault in the service can only bring down that service. Depending on the handling of the fault in the application, the rest of the application can still continue to work.
Scalability – Similarly, the scaling of each microservice will depend on requirements using clusters and grids.
Availability – Dispatching the patch or newer version of service requires less downtime compared to regular monolithic applications.
Management – Easier to manage
Design and Development – Each service helps the developer to manage the service easily without worrying about other services.
Performance – All services involved in the application have to communicate with each other over the network and that could hamper the performance.
Testability – Automated tests are harder to manage and run.
Memory usage – Possible duplicate data across services and a lot of duplication in the cache.
In conclusion, I covered a primer about microservices. If you want to read more about Microservices at following links: