Category Archives: Microservices

Building user interface for Social KPI

As part of building the web application Social KPI SocialPie, we will be building the backend and frontend in module forms. Eventually, the plan is to deploy the application on the cloud. But backend and frontend are not different services as Microservice architecture generally dictates. In this post, I will show how we will be building a user interface for Social KPI using thymeleaf and angular JS.

The idea is to create a skeleton of UI by bringing different points in the discussion to make our decisions about choosing different parts of UI. In the previous post here, we discussed user flow.

User Story for user interface

  1. A user will access the application and will see the initial screen for login or sign up.
  2. If the user has not signed up before, he will sign up with the first name, last name, email, company name, password.
  3. Once the user signs up, the user will receive a confirmation email to sign in. This user will be the administrator to manage its company.
  4. A user can come back to the login screen through confirmation email. Then the user will enter credentials.
  5. User will see the company profile. User will have the option to modify company profile details as well as to add users with role REPORT.
  6. Administrator when adding these users will submit their first name, last name, email, and role as REPORT. Administrator will have an option to send emails to these users through portal or provide them username and password.
  7. Once the users with role REPORT login, they will have the option to change their temporary password. Once the password has been changed, he will be redirected to the reports screen.
  8. Administrator can also access reports screen any time.
  9. On Reports screen, user will have an option to synchronize the data with social media APIs to get the latest data. This will be once in a day option considering the limitation on access of APIs.
  10. On Reports screen, user will have an option to generate the report post-synchronization. User will be able to see Jasper reports in graph as well in data form. User will have an option to send these reports to other people in email.
  11. There will be logout and home screen options on the screen all the time.
  12. Home for user with Report role will be their profile information.

The skeleton of the user interface

Screen 1:

First Page

Screen 2:

Second Page

Screen 3:

Third Page

Screen 4:

Forth Page

Screen 5:

Fifth Page

Screen 6:

Sixth Page

Screen 7:

Seventh Page


In this post, we showed the skeleton of the user interface for the Social KPI web application. Of course, this is not a final design, but as we go on building it, we will have our changes and I will also show the code for this design. In future posts, I will be showing the functioning UI for login and sign-up pages.




Revisiting Docker – How to use docker container in ECS

In post How to build docker image for your application, we saw how to create a docker container image for your application and then run that image. In this post, I want to revisit some of the docker commands and how to use this docker container in ECS (Elastic Container Service) which is offered by Amazon.

  1. Publishing your docker container image in ECR (Elastic Container Repository) – Amazon offers a repository where you can push your docker image to store. Once you have the image in the repository, it can be used in ECS.
docker tag source_image:[tag] target_image:[tag]

docker push image:[tag] repository:image

2. You can pull this image from repository to run on your local as below

docker pull image:[tag]

3. Once you have docker image published in the repository, it is a straightforward. Create a cluster in ECS.

4. Cluster is nothing but collection of multiple services running on their own EC2 instances, provided you create a service of type EC2. Once you create a cluster, you can create a service. Another type of service you can create is that of Fargate. But we will not talk about it in this post.

5. When you create a service, it will ask you to enter the value for task, that means you have to create a task first. Enter the name and type of task (EC2).

6. Provide the docker container image and any environment variables you need to run this docker container. Provide necessary details of how much memory you need and if you are using storage.

7. Once you create a task, you can use it creating a service from Step 5. Choose an application load balancer in your service. If you haven’t already created load balancer and target group, you will need to create those. Use the newly created load balancer and target group for your service.

8. Now once everything is created, you can start the task to run. So this service will be available in the cloud. Amazon offers a healthcheck for your service, that you can configure while configuring service.

Conclusion –

In this post, I showed how to use Amazon ECS service for creating a service and running that service in Amazon cloud. If you want to learn about docker containers, learn here.