I am using my blog platform to announce the publication of my second book Blind Alley. It took me close to a year to write the book, edit it, work with an editor, submit it to publisher and then publish it. Slowly I am getting hang on the whole process. What I am not good at yet though, is marketing. And hopefully, I will focus on that in near future.

Blind Alley
But why Blind Alley?
I started to write some short stories, there was a common theme that came out of those short stories was about social and cultural issues. When I finished the first editing of the draft, I started to read Asimov’s short story named Blind Alley. Even though the context of his work and my work was completely different, the title made more sense. In our current times, we follow what society has made a kind of rule. We blindly follow. We don’t question any of the beliefs or existing set expectations. As a writer, as a creator, I had a hard time with this. I continued to wrestle with different ideas and expectations. But I am not someone who would follow something for the sake of it. All those questions culminated in the stories of this book. Blind Alley gives an idea about the beliefs we should be questioning. We shouldn’t be expecting the right answer, but I do not see, why we can’t question them.
Thank You
I just want to say thank you to all those who read my first book 500 Miles. Continuing on this literary journey, I want to be grateful to all those people who support me and encourage me to write more.
Where can you buy Blind Alley?
If you are in India, you can buy the book on the following links:
Amazon: Amazon
Flipkart: Flipkart
WFP Store: White Falcon Publication Store
If you are in the US or any other part of the world, you can buy the book on the following links
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Canada Amazon
If you are an ebook reader and want the book on Kindle, you can buy it here