Monthly Archives: October 2017

Top 5 Java Coding Practices

In this short post, we will discuss the top 5 Java coding practices. One reason I like to revisit best practices is to remind myself if I am following them or not. Another reason to verify if anything has changed with language. Even if I visit the best practices after a few years, it gives me a refreshing perspective to understand where I am and how I am improving or not. Everybody has their own way, but programming is a skill and over time, you can continue to improve it just like any other skill. So here we go with the top 5 Java best coding practices.

   1. Methods Naming Convention – 

The name of the method should reveal the intention of the method. Example calculateHeight but if you name your method height , it is just bad because that can be more of a variable name. A method should also do a single job. If it is doing more than one job, you can always refactor the code.

   2. Use a consistent style –

The syntax style you use while writing Java code should be consistent across any code you write.

   3.  Use logging –

There are a number of logging APIs available, but the most popular log4j is available as a blanket for logging APIs. While writing an enterprise application, it is of utmost importance to log. From a code review perspective, it is helpful to have logged in your code. Another advantage of logging is in production while resolving a lot of issues, logging is the only way to debug the code in a short amount of time.

    4.  Variable encapsulation –

Most variables when declared should be private . This ensures safety so that accidental usage of this variable does not change the state of it. Adding getter and setter for such variables is standard practice.

    5.   Use comments frequently –

As a programmer, your responsibility begins when you start coding and good code is easy to read with well-documented comments. If a new programmer or developer joins the team, he should be able to understand the code without much context. Also for this reason specifically, read and revisit open source code often.


In this post, I discussed top 5 Java coding practices. What are your favorite tips for Java? If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog here.



Building a Saas application

This is a brainstorming post where I will jot down the ideas to build a saas application. Before we start, we have to go to basics.

What is Saas?

Software as a service (Saas) is a software delivery model. In this model, the software is served through subscription service. Saas has been popular for more than a decade now. In fact, the sales of such software have skyrocketed that building simple software has become easier. From project management to ordering healthy food, we can get any of these services through software with a subscription.

Now what do we want to build and how do we start?

Of course, this is not an easy question to answer in a single post. You have to go through trial and errors to build a viable product that people will use it. But also what and who are we targeting as an audience. There are a lot of broader areas to think about to build a product. That would make the entire process to build a software way too complex. So where do we start? The eternal question still remains.

Human psychology over the years has progressed and helped technology to build a lot of cool products. With AI has been knocking on our doors, what we build today, will be obsolete in the next ten years. Based on your own experience, what I have found, is that you look into your own daily life. When you go for grocery shopping when you talk to your friends, coworkers. The moment, you feel frustrated anything that is not in your control, that’s where you have something to build on.

I know it sounds ridiculously easy to write here in the post, but not easy when you are living life. What I am trying to point is, look at problems you or other human faces and if that problem can be solved through software, you have got a viable product idea.  At every pain point, the problem is an idea to build a product. Simple example – Elon Musk was driving on LA roads, he was caught in traffic which didn’t move for a long time. How do we improve our traffic? With increasing cars and population, this is almost going to be a nightmare in the future. He realized the problem and started a company called The Boring Company that would build underground tunnels for handling traffic.

If you are like me who works in a software company, it is easy to see through this dilemma to build a solution that can help you and other developers equally. But in a larger context, you can always go through different Saas services and hear the feedback from those services’ users. Any negative feedback is your path to build a product. Assuming we got the idea to build a Saas application, so how do we proceed further?

Post-idea discussion

Once we have a solid idea, we can think about building a minimum viable product which gives customers a chance to explore the product with minimum fuss. Less complex the product for customers to use intuitively, better will be their experiences and happier they will be to recommend your product to others.

You should work to create a minimum viable design. This will be an alpha version of the product. Getting alpha version out of the door in minimum time will give you a better idea of where to focus on scaling the product in the future. This will also save time and money.

Technology and Frameworks

Once we have the initial design of the minimum product, we can think of what technology and framework to use. What kind of infrastructure to use? Considering the less expensive options, the cloud is very popular to use to build a Saas product. This reduces the management of infrastructure while giving high availability and scalability. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft all these companies offer cloud solutions to build your application. Also if you want to scale your application in the future for data-intensive, the cloud is the best option to handle all kinds of load.

For backend, there are different frameworks available based on C#, Python, or Java. Since I have worked on Java, I vouch for Spring which offers a lot of flexibility and ease to add a lot of code easily. Of course, there is a learning curve if you have never used spring before. For the database, we have two major options, one is SQL based database or NoSQL. If it is data-intensive application, NoSQL makes more sense.

On the frontend side, angularjs offers a lot of ease to build a modern user interface to interact with backend.


There are a lot of other factors we have not considered in this discussion especially related to the performance and health of the application. Also, we didn’t discuss any major approaches to build the application. I hope this brainstorming post will give readers an idea of a saas application that they can build.

If you have an idea of saas application and you intend to build it, let me know how it goes for you. You can subscribe to my blog.


How to implement a chatbot in Java

So we are back on our discussion about chatbots. I will not talk about the basics of chatbots that I covered here. I will directly start showing how to implement a chatbot in Java. We are going to use AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) library for this implementation. This library is opensource and provided by google.

chatbot in Java

A maven project

As a first step, let’s create a maven project in Eclipse with groupId com.betterjavacode and artifactId as chatbot. Once the project is created, we can add ab.jar to project by adding the respective dependency in maven pom.xml  like below:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Google library for AIML provides default AI rules to use to implement chatbot. We will add these rules in resources directory of our project. Copy bots folder from program-ab directory into resources folder.

Chatbot Program

Now we will write the chatbot program which will be part of main method. In simple terms, once we invoke this program through main method, it will be in an infinite loop. An input command will wait for user input and then based on our aiml library chatbot will answer to what an user had input.

try {
            String resourcesPath = getResourcesPath();
            MagicBooleans.trace_mode = TRACE_MODE;
            Bot bot = new Bot("Mr. Chatter", resourcesPath);
            Chat chatSession = new Chat(bot);
            String textLine = "";
            while (true) {
                System.out.println("human: ");
                textLine = IOUtils.readInputTextLine();
                if ((textLine == null) || (textLine.length() < 1))
                    textLine = MagicStrings.null_input;
                if (textLine.equals("q")) {
                } else if (textLine.equals("wq")) {
                } else {
                    String request = textLine;
                    if (MagicBooleans.trace_mode)
                        System.out.println("STATE=" + request + ":THAT=" + ((History) chatSession.thatHistory.get(0)).get(0) + ":TOPIC=" + chatSession.predicates.get("topic"));
                    String response = chatSession.multisentenceRespond(request);
                    while (response.contains("<"))
                        response = response.replace("<", "<"); while (response.contains(">")) response = response.replace(">", ">");
                    System.out.println("Robot : " + response);

        } catch (Exception e) {

Now if we run this program, it will show us input to ask a question to the chatbot Mr. Chatter.


In this article, we showed how to add a chatbot in Java. Similarly, we can enhance this program by adding custom patterns that the chatbot can respond to.


Chatbot Implementation