Where are we?

Hold on to it. This is going to be a rant about what I am thinking about ideas to post, but also an update about the web application Social KPI.

I am working on a few ideas that I would like to write about. But I am not sure. Lately I have been working on microservice architecture project and that had helped me to design Social KPI application. I would like to hear from my followers if they are interested in any particular topic that I should cover. Currently most of the interests are around Spring boot and microservices. That is too specific, but also equally too big of a topic to cover. I have covered bits and pieces of Spring boot.

Here are a few ideas that I have in mind that I would like to post about:

  1. Spring boot in android applications.
  2. How to use Spring boot and deploy in cloud infrastructure
  3. What is chaos engineering?
  4. Android application and details
  5. Microservices and Service-to-Service authentication
  6. Udemy course for Spring boot and microservices.

Please leave a comment if you want me to cover something new.

Where are we with Social KPI application?

So last, I posted about this application was back in May Twitter Client. After that there had been some progress as I did figure out how to use social login for authentication purposes, but it had not been added in the application. I will be reviving the work on this project and will try to contribute daily for 30-60 minutes. As part of my planning process, I will add here the tasks that need to be finished:

  1. Add Social login UI for the application
  2. Add UI Pages for displaying Social KPI reports and user navigation
  3. Connecting front-end to back-end REST APIs through clients.
  4. Use of Jasper reports for graphical reports.

These are the 4 big stories I am planning to finish by the end of October. Once I have all the code completed, I will launch the application through Heroku.